The Heideman Group has a comprehensive internal checklist consisting of 109 points that we diligently review for every loan our team handles. This ensures that no details are overlooked and you receive exceptional service and representation in the mortgage industry.
Our Mortgage Advisors also reach out to your other advisors to ensure that our loan strategy aligns with your overall financial plan. We thoroughly review all your documentation and anticipate any potential issues that may arise during the underwriting process to keep you on schedule. Additionally, we ensure that all loan figures are finalized and provided to the title company in advance to avoid delays.
Even after closing, our team continues to work on your file for weeks to ensure that you receive the best service. This includes contacting you a week before your first monthly payment to ensure that you have all the necessary information.
Through years of refinement, our Perfect Loan Process ensures the most stress-free transaction, and we leave no stone unturned.
Contact Us to learn more about our “Perfect Loan Process”.